Fueling Breakthroughs in the Realm of Cell and Gene Therapies
Dedicated to commercializing regenerative medicine technologies from the laboratory.
Now open for applications
Driving Success Together in Regenerative Medicine
More Than Just an Industry Accelerator.
Celltech Innovation goes beyond the traditional scope of fostering startups. We offer a comprehensive ecosystem that nurtures every aspect of a cell and gene therapy venture’s growth.
CellTech Acceleration Program
CellTech Innovation offers an all-encompassing acceleration program tailored to empower startups in the dynamic field of cell and gene therapy. Our program is meticulously crafted to guide and propel startups towards achieving their full potential.
Preclinical Consultation
We offer invaluable technical expertise in GMP/GTP manufacturing, animal testing, and analytic method strategy before Investigational New Drug (IND) to drive success in the biomedical industry.
Clinical Validation
We offer valuable insights into designing effective trials and developing scalable strategies in preparation for New Drug Application (NDA) submissions.
Through personalized one-on-one sessions, we help startups develop leadership skills and build strong business foundations.
Leveraging our vast network and storytelling abilities, we connect startups with strategic partners and funding opportunities, expediting commercialization.
CellTech Fund I
CellTech Innovation’s dedicated fund is designed to identify and nurture companies with the most promising cell and gene therapy technologies. By combining our strategic insights with financial support, we actively drive the growth trajectory of these ventures.