
By Hoyen Liu
Cross-Border Biotech: Taiwan-Japan Investment Pitch

By Hoyen Liu

By Hoyen Liu
Chairman Johnny Yu’s Masterclass Reveals Key Strategies for Biotech Startup Founders

By Global Bio & Investment
生技新創CEO的必修八堂商業課 – From Lab to Corporation

課程名稱:生技新創CEO的必修八堂商業課 | From Lab to Corporation 課程日期:自3月29日至5月24日 [4月5日停課] 課程時間:每周五下午一點至下午五點 [報到時間:下午一點至下午一點半] 課程地點:t.Hub 內科創新育成基地 203+204會議室 [地圖連結] 課程簡介: 深度剖析生技產業商業運作的專業課程。透過八大主題,涵蓋商業模式、團隊建立、公司架構、管理、財務、創投、品牌推廣、IPO等核心議題,助你從實驗室轉型為企業領袖,掌握成功經營企業的關鍵。 上課方式:實體課程,講師授課包含即時個案問答 報名連結:點擊報名 開放單堂課程報名 單堂課程售價 7,500 元 名額有限 報名從速!!! 課程時程: 講師簡介: 目標學員: 專門針對生技產業人才,包括研究人員、創業者、企業管理者等 準備進入生技創業領域的專業人士;及已設立新創公司,希望全面了解公司經營管理的高階人員 對生技創投、公司經營、市場推廣有興趣的學者和從業人員等設計的商業課程 課程費用:定價59,999元,早鳥報名者享優惠價49,999元;課程限額30名 [單堂課未出席者可提供限時錄影回放] 課程聯絡人:Tina (tinachang@genecelltech.com) 主辦單位:CellTech Accelerator 創笙加速器 協辦單位:t.Hub 內科創新育成基地 報名連結:點擊報名 ※主辦單位保留課程調整及講者安排之權利,其他未規定事項,依後續公布資訊為準
2023 International Forum on the Core Values of Cell and Gene Therapy

On December 1st, 2023, CellTech organized the 2023 International Forum on the Core Values of Cell and Gene Therapy. The event featured talks from industry leaders, speeches from promising startup leaders, and, most importantly, the official introduction of our accelerator program. We are filled with gratitude as we look back on the success of the 2023 International Forum on the Core Values of Cell and Gene Therapy hosted by CellTech. We want to sincerely thank all the speakers, attendees, and our special guest, Professor Akihiro Shimosaka, for contributing to the success of this event. We encourage you to follow our LinkedIn profile to learn about future events we will organize and news about promising start-up ventures. Event Highlights: At the event last Friday, we officially unveiled Asia’s first-ever CGT-focused accelerator. We witnessed a one-of-a-kind event where industry leaders, including Chia-Ning Shen, Long-Jyun Su, Jacky Jen-Chine Wu, and the distinguished Professor Akihiro Shimosaka from Japan, shared insights into CGT innovations and opportunities. Toru Jay Seo, Henry Chen, and Angel Lee added a global perspective with engaging lectures on startup ventures in Japan, the USA, and Canada. We were pleased to have James Tsai, CellTech’s COO, share valuable insights into sustaining growth and fostering global connections through Taiwan as the Asia-Pacific’s first CGT Accelerator. For more, check out the news coverage of the event: Global Bio & Investment (1) Global Bio & Investment (2) Biwen News